Configure the Winkelwagen - Shopping Cart Settings
Configure the Beslist OrderXML and let customers directly pay for their products at Through this extension this order will be imported into your Magento 2 store. All the orders from the Winkelwagen will be available in the Order page under the Marketing Tab. In order to configure the order import function on the right store-view, you have to select the relevant store-view using the store switcher on the top left.

Enable or disable the order XML Order Import first.
Shipping Method
Select the Shipping Method that you want to use on the order import, to maintain the shipping prices from your feed we recommend to use the Shipping Method here as default Shipping Method.
Customer Import
Select if you want to add client-data from the order to your Magento store.
If activated you can select the client-group where the customer needs to be imported.

Adress & Invoice
Configure the way the addresses and invoices are handled in the order import.
Seperate Housenumber
If you use the second 'street' field as a separate house-number field, enable this option.
Creat Invoice for the order
Select if you want to create an invoice for the orders that will be imported into your store.
Use Beslist Order ID
Choose if you want to use the Order ID instead of Magento Increment Order ID.
Send order email to customer
Activate this option if you also want to send the order email from your Magento store to the client that ordered from
A Cronjob is a daemon which continues running and gets activated at a certain interval (time period). Please ensure that your default Magento Cron is working. If not, contact your hosting company for help.
Use the automation function to automatically check if there are new orders that can be imported from Winkelwagen.
Fully Automate Order Import
Activate this option to directly import the orders in your Magento order grid automated instead of the order Grid only. With this function is disabled, orders will only be imported into Beslist Grid so you can import them manually.
Warning: This option is not recommend in test modus with cron enabled.

Failed order Email
Enable this option to automatically sent an email with the error report why the order can't be imported into your store.
Set to yes to activate the failed order email.
Email From/to
Set the email contact where the emails needs to be delivered and sent.
Email Template
Set the email template that you want to use for this email.
Enable the Order Logging option to log all the incoming orders from Winkelwagen. Write errors and orders to the Beslist log file located in /var/log/beslist.log

Configure the Beslist OrderXML and let customers directly pay for their products at Through this extension this order will be imported into your Magento 2 store. All the orders from the Winkelwagen will be available in the Order page under the Marketing Tab. In order to configure the order import function on the right store-view, you have to select the relevant store-view using the store switcher on the top left.
Order XML Key
Set the Order XML API Key obtained from
Client ID
Set the Client ID obtained from
Shop ID
Set the Shop IDobtained from
Day Limit
Set this limit to only import orders of the last x-days
First it's required to test the connection with, set it to test to check all the settings and connection with
You can set it to LIVE when Beslist checked all this.
Product ID
Simulate a test order using an product ID from your store. For multiple products use comma seperated, eg: 4,8,15,16