Configure the Channable Feed extension

In this section you will see listed all of the standard attributes needed for the Channable Connect. In order to prevent some errors please fill in as many attributes as you can, this will also improve the usability of your data on the Channable platform.
General Fields
Connect the right attributes for the name and description to export the values to the Channable feed. The description will be truncated to a maximum of 5000 characters and stripped from html.
Data: Productname
Select the attribute that is using this value.
Data: Description
Select the attribute that is using this value.
Data: Brand
Select the attribute that is using this value.
Data: EAN
The International Article Number (EAN) (also known as European Article Number, which technically refers to EAN-13) is a 13-digit barcode symbology, which is a superset of the original 12-digit Universal Product Code (UPC) (also known as UPC-A). Select the attribute that is using this value.
Image Source
Set the right source of the images, you can choose to export all the images or just the base, small of thumb image.
Miscellaneous fields
You are recommended to provide the following product information for each unique item you submit if it exists, is relevant, and if the information fits into the accepted values for the following detailed product attributes.

We recommend adding as many attributes as possible to the Channable feed as this will greatly improve the quality of your data. In this section you can add extra fields, set the right inventory data and configure the fallback on your configurable & grouped products.
Extra Fields.
You can add custom fields with your attributes to enrich your data in Channable. Click the Add button to add an attribute with a custom fieldname as reference.
Inventory Data.
Select the inventory data that you want to export to Channable using the multi-select below.
Configurable & Grouped
When using configurable or grouped products you can choose to pull information from the parent products. It's specified as 'Configurable products - non apparel' or 'Apparel' markup so activate the Apparel setting to enable the Apparel markup in your feed. Select in the multiple-select box below the fall-back data for the configurable / grouped products in the feed. You can select the attributes where you want to use the Parent Data for Simple.
Delivery Time
Set the delivery time for your products using the table below or use your own attribute in the extra field table.

This option allows you to exclude the product from the Channable Feed. To exclude certain products from the Channable Feed, you easily select yes in the Channable Feed tab on your product configuration page.
This option allows you to add products with the following visibility.
Exclude Products on Stock Level
Select yes to exclude all the products from the feed with the status: out of stock.

Each store view will have their own Channable feed. Use the auto connect link to connect the feed with your Channable account.