Create a Shopreview Form

The Shopreview extension comes with a completely new tab with different options:
- Review Forms
- Reviews
- Configuration
To set up a form, we go to the Review Forms page.

The Review Form grid will show all the active review forms which are available. Each form shows the columns as;
Form ID
The unique identifier of the Form
In which store-view this form is active
The URL where the review form is active, the form itself will be available after a /form
Created At
The date and time when the form is created
Updated At
The date and time when the form is updated
Customer Group
Shows the customer groups for which the form is active
Preview - Shows a preview of the form in the front-end using a temporary generated URL
Edit - Edit the review form
Duplicate - Duplicate the review form
Export - Export the reviews within this form
Import - Import the reviews within this form
Delete - Delete the complete form

In the General section of the Review form, you can enable/disable the form and edit the Page Title which is shown in the front-end of the Form.
The WYSIWYG editor can be used to add texts and/or images on top of the form page. There will be no no texts shown in the listing page.

Once you've entered the general settings, you can start creating the form. There are 8 different columns available;
Enable or disable the form field.
/strong>For creating a form, there are 4 types of review elements; a text field, a text area, and a rating type.
Configure if you want to set this field as a requirement before submitting the form.
The title of the field is shown as a label in the front-end.
Use in Widget
If you want to implement the widget later, you can configure if you want to show this value in the widget, only available for the text field or text area, in the widget, only the review average can be shown per review.
Number of Stars
Only available for the rating type you can select how many stars you want to show in the front-end.
For text fields and text areas, the placeholder can be filled.
Click the garbage can to delete the row.

After creating the form, there are 4 sections left to configure to your needs.
Form in Websites
Select the store-view where you want to show the review form.
Customer Groups Restriction
Select the customer group for which you want to enable writing a review. For the customer groups that are not selected, the review listing can be seen but they are unable to write a review.
Search Engine Optimization
Set the URL Key, Meta title, keywords, and description to optimize the Shopreview form in the best way.
Select the layout you want to use for the Shopreview listing and form or add a custom layout XML handle.