Configure a WebwinkelKeur account to import reviews in Magento 2

This is an article from the WebwinkelKeur Reviews extension for Magento 2. We've tried our best in the preparation of this help article. If you do not find the answer you were looking for, you can always send us a message through this form.

To use and import WebwinkelKeur Reviews from a new account, navigate to:
Marketing ⇨ WebwinkelKeur Reviews ⇨ Accounts.

To import all the WebwinkelKeur Reviews into your Magento 2 environment, you will need the API Details from WebwinkelKeur Reviews.
Fill in all values below before saving the configuration.

Internal Name Is only used as references for internal use.
Account Name This is the account name that is obtained from the platform based on the details
Webshop ID Can be obtained from yourWebwinkelKeur Reviews account, for the exact location, see this post.
API Code Can be obtained from yourWebwinkelKeur Reviews account, for the exact location, see this post.
Locale If this account is specified for a single locale, select this in the dropdown, otherwise use the all locale value.

After filling in all the API details you can save the configuration which results in a summary and a filled-in account name.
The summary displays; - Total Reviews from the accounts
- Review score from the account
- The account URL from the WebwinkelKeur Reviews platform.

Now all details are obtained and saved, you can hit the import new or sync all button to import the new reviews or sync all available reviews from WebwinkelKeur Reviews and your Magento 2 platform.

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