Channable Connect
Channable and Magmodules
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Always very dedicated!
Keep up the good work.
Keep it up !
1.20.0, release date: January 9, 2025
- Added 'updated_at' to product feed
- Move price logic to separate service class
- Transfer VatID to shipping address if company is the identical
- Add Channable discount total to the invoice
- Apply channel name to discount label
- Remove Product Wee Tax (FPT) after recalculate price #231
- Get SKU form GTIN when creating credit memo from grid #233
- Fix loading of parent categories
- Fix tier price calculation when using discount
- Fixed feed issue with 'use_default' values (thnx @VincentBean)
1.19.1, release date: September 24, 2024
- Fxed retry order missing some shipment data
1.19.0, release date: July 24, 2024
- Add urls to category output in product feed
- Add 'item_group_id' to exclude list
- Add Customer Tax Class Id to price calculation
1.18.3, release date: June 7, 2024
- Fix reservation qty's
- Check if business order has zero tax set before setting tax to zero
- Fix ACL rule for Log Stream
- Add discount info to invoice #227 (thnx @Skullsneeze)
1.18.2, release date: April 11, 2024
- Empty parentRelations fallback returns full product collection #222
- Fixed issue with empty inventory on item updates
- Simple products associated with 2 configurables are not exported #200
- Handle empty values for name in Channable order grid
1.18.1, release date: April 8, 2024
- Revert use indexed product_id column for order by due to issues on paging
- Skip creditmemo items that are not refunded
- Prefetch tier price for better performance
1.18.0, release date: March 25, 2024
- Added Include Inventory Sources to feed option #172
- Do not execute COUNT-query twice #123 (thnx @bertterheide)
- Use GTIN attribute to link returns
- Fixes issue with pricing #218
- Fixed issue with shipping price currency exchange for free shipment #219
- Refresh on Credit-memo page removes the Return block
1.17.0, release date: February 27, 2024
- Save returns meta data and add to returns grid
- Added option to set zero tax on business orders
- Added tier prices to output if selected in extra values
- Prefetch data in product feed for better performance (thnx @julian-van-drielen)
- Add "Not Visible Individually" products to feed when forced
- Move returns config menu option to bottom
- Added category id to category output
- Improved Return block on Credit-memo page
- Use referenceBlock instead of referenceContainer for order_totals (thnx @Bogardo)
- Also convert shipping costs if needed
1.16.0, release date: December 7, 2023
- Added new options for returns handeling
- Updated Admin UI
- Support EE Giftcards
- Added new options for returns
- The feed purges the Category Name
- Use indexed product_id column for order by (thx @bertterheide)
1.15.1, release date: June 27, 2023
- Fixed con frequency config_path for item updates
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.15.0, release date: May 23, 2023
- Show Zalando Article Number in order view
- When stock quantity is 1 order is not created and reporting error that product is out of stock #203
- Accept empty values for customer data in order postdata
- Guest customer should not be saved as `0` on quote (thnx @frank-bokdam)
- Update CI flow to include Magento 2.4.6 and PHP 8.2
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.14.2, release date: March 10, 2023
- Return int for console command
- Added price_type and fixed bundle price logics for feed
- Make sure discounts are always absolute
- Change some methods to public to be accessible for plugins (thnx @sanderjongsma)
- Disable composer plugins when using CI
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.14.1, release date: February 10, 2023
- Added channable:generate:token CLI to generate and refresh token
- Added price param for order simulate function to test correct final prices
- Add unmanaged stock check for parent product stock status (thnx @kaplansin)
- Fixed name validator
- Make sure `value` is not array when reformatting extra values #194
- Use the configured default status for state 'processing' (thnx @markvds)
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.14.0, release date: December 19, 2022
- Save new field pickup_location on order import
- Make Title Regex field required in config #160
- Fixes invalid dynamic bundle prices due floatval() with int comparison #189 (thnx @JonathanBBD)
- Force string return type for getStoreValue (thnx @umizoomi)
- Make sure prices of all shipping methods are set (thnx @markvds)
- Replace deprecated class in data patch
- Use HTTP client interface instead of curl factory for item updates
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.13.0, release date: November 28, 2022
- Added full flush option for items table
- Removed the 50 item limit for item updates
- Added message on grid if item update cron is disabled
- Added backorders true/false to product feed
- Fixed linkage of returns to orders
- Fixed issue with returns endpoint not using correct identity field
- Use final price for items in order simulator
- Fixed order email to customer is not send for Channable orders #185
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.12.1, release date: November 3, 2022
- Fixed raises issue on empty frontend labels (thnx @wahidnory)
- Fix for bundle products price import (thnx @sanderjongsma)
- Fixed marketplace fee on invoice and creditmemo
- Added name validator parser for order import
- Performance improvement fix to feed generation (thnx @evs-xsarus)
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.12.0, release date: October 10, 2022
- Added option to accept orders with bundle/grouped products
- Added check on required company address field #173
- Added environment variables #177
- Fix missing link to order item in sales_order_tax_item #133
- Empty translatable string causes error when collecting phrases #176
- Unnecessary, but also missing indexes in table definition #175
- Do not process discounts if value is zero
- Fixed priority mapping in getCustomShippingMethodLogic (thnx @markvds)
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.11.0, release date: September 12, 2022
- Added multi currency support for product feed
- Fixed debug log not being fired
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.10.2, release date: August 23, 2022
- Accept empty comment on return import #167
- Fixed issue with order simulation not setting StoreId on product load
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.10.1, release date: July 19, 2022
- Implemented missing store emulation for admin order simulation
- Formatted correct return message of non existing return
- Fixed db_schema for `transaction_fee` fields #164
- Removed unused prototype requirement for buttons js #163
- Fixed PHP 8.1 compatibility on empty cron table when running self test
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.10.0, release date: June 8, 2022
- Add currency switch param to product feed #136
- Add option to include both excl. and incl. tax prices
- Add option to subtract WeeeTax before adding product to quote
- Add Magento 2.4.4 and PHP 8.1 to automated tests
- Use quote submit instead of place order to fix quantity validators
- Update testdata for order simulation
- Fixed if-statement to include T&T in OrderStatus calls (thnx @florisschreuder)
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.9.1, release date: May 18, 2022
- Add proxy to ImportSimulator CLI command
- Add setup:upgrade to GitHub actions
- Add Magento 2.4.3 with replacements to setup:di:compile GitHub actions
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.9.0, release date: May 13, 2022
- Implemented new selftest
- Added return simulation function
- Order simulation CLI
- Refactored config
- Refactor order import validation
- Fixed shipments webhook join
- Fixed returns imports
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.8.3, release date: April 25, 2022
- Missing PaymentBlock if auto invoicing is enabled
- Shipping method from Channel is only shown if invoice is created
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.8.2, release date: April 13, 2022
- Added module enable flag and fixed returns validation request
- Removed deprecated ChannabeLogger to add support for Magento 2.4.4
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.8.1, release date: April 11, 2022
- Fixed shipping method name replace by Channel Name option
- Fixed issue with Amasty Shop By compatibility
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.8.0, release date: March 31, 2022
- Refactor Returns
- Added `created_at` to product feed export
- Added compatibility for Amasty Shop By SEO (issue with url parser)
- Fixed issue with preview function for single product output
- Fixed disregard stock for FBB/LVB Orders
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.7.0, release date: March 8, 2022
- Add option to use return labels for Channable
- Transfer transaction fee from quote to order #146
- Fixed order simulation product
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.6.2, release date: March 3, 2022
- Ensure shipping cost is always a float #144 (thnx @ArjenMiedema)
- Set reserved order id on cart (thnx @JeroenVanLeusden)
- Add package weight to shipping rate request (thnx @markvds)
- Add missing component to date fields in order grid
- Add order subroles for ACL
- Make Logger component compatible with Monolog 2.0
- Refactor filtering on status for product feed export #137
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.6.1, release date: February 16, 2022
- Return correct data in getOrderIdPrefix #141
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
1.6.0, release date: February 11, 2022
- Refactored order flow, added repo's and UX/UI admin edits
- Added new processed orders gird
- Added Transaction Fee order total for CDiscount Marketplace orders
- Moved to declarative schema
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.1
Note: This release is a major release, as we moved to declarative schema, refactored the order flow and due to this had to up the minimum requirements to Magento 2.3.3 and PHP 7.1.
1.5.5, release date: October 7, 2021
- Save 'Customer Number' and 'Shipment Promise' to Payment Data
- Fixes issue with qty_increments #131
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x
1.5.4, release date: September 14, 2021
- Always save/show commission on order import
- Fixes import of customers on order import when enabled
- Fixes missing currency code in feed
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x
1.5.3, release date: September 9, 2021
- Schedule category is broken (in Magento EE/Commerce) #117
- Force including or excluding tax in product feed configuration option
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x
1.5.2, release date: August 17, 2021
- Added support for Magento 2.4.3
- Remove stock qty's for bundle, configurable and grouped product types
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x
1.5.1, release date: May 26, 2021
- Fixed php 7.4 implode() function for shipping method title (+ added GitHub Actions php linting)
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x
1.5.0, release date: May 18, 2021
- Option to overwrite Shipping Description with data from platform
- Added option to force the bypass of MSI for QTY in feed
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x
1.4.23, release date: April 14, 2021
- Fix: category ids to feed output #111
- Fix: Unset discount amount for orders imported by Channable
1.4.22, release date: February 17, 2021
- New: Save memo order data to additional information
- Fix: Set checkout method to guest on order import for guests #106
1.4.21, release date: November 9, 2020
- Fix: Removed duplicate limit on product collection
- Fix: Only update item data if data is available
1.4.20, release date: August 14, 2020
- Fix: Do not add negative reservations to salable qty
- Fix: Disable Minimum Order Amount for Channable orders #99 (thnx @JeroenVanLeusden)
- Fix: Collect cart totals before collecting shipping rates (thnx @JeroenVanLeusden)
1.4.19, release date: August 5, 2020
- Added support for orders with non default currency (thnx @Hexmage)
- Updated installation commands in README.MD (thnx @Niels-P)
1.4.18, release date: April 13, 2020
- Fix: Order import with region/state
- Fix: Order import for single address-lines
1.4.17, release date: April 6, 2020
- Change: Enable backorders when LVB orders are imported
- Fix: compilation issue on non MSI installations (e.g. 2.2)
1.4.16, release date: April 3, 2020
- New: Added compatibility for Xtento Stock Import module
- New: Set Order ID Prefix per storeview for order import
- Fix: Import for LVB orders with Out of Stock products
- Fix: Item update in multi store
1.4.15, release date: February 21, 2020
- Disable price rules for marketplace order import
- Refactored order item validation and add to quote
1.4.14, release date: January 15, 2020
- Added email to billing and shipping address on order import
- Added option to add disabled products to product export
- Fix: check if MSI is enabled when fetching inventory data (could be disabled after installation)
1.4.13, release date: January 6, 2020
- Special price fix for imported orders
- Added VAT-ID/TAX-ID to address import
- Option to sent invoice e-mail to customer for imported orders
1.4.12, release date: September 6, 2019
- Fixed Asynchronous Order Processing #75
- Fixed product url in the feed (Thnx @albsa)
- Fixed undefined variable in order import /w non existing products (Thnx @yaroslav-zenin)
- Marketplace email address is now stripped from the colon
- Option to exclude company name in the order import
- Changes for salable Qty when using MSI
1.4.11, release date: July 12, 2019
- Removed salable check on parents for simples
- Refactored Test Data and added region to address import
- Unset tier pricing for product before adding it to the order
1.4.10, release date: June 28, 2019
- Fixed failing CSRF protection in Magento 2.3.2 #69
1.4.9, release date: June 14, 2019
- Added option to push single item update from item update grid
- Added selftest results for pricing to feed preview
- Added support for salable QTY (experimental)
- Fixed format for QTY > 1000 in feed
- Fixed extra pages on the end of the collection in preview mode
- Fixed compatibility for shared catalog in Commerce B2B (shared catalog)
- Fixed grouped simple/parent field fallback
1.4.8, release date: May 17, 2019
- Refactored Order Model
- Fixed missing products from configurables when stock filter is enabled #88 (thanks @marcoboom)
1.4.7, release date: May 6, 2019
- Fixed store filter on Product Collection
- Fixed stock filters when "Display Out of Stock Products" is enabled under Catalog Inventory
1.4.6, release date: April 23, 2019
- Refactored item update
- Option to set the preferred source of the first image
- Add orders in state Complete, Closed and Canceled to shipments webhook
- Added observer on "cataloginventory_stock_item_save_after"-event
- Added Out of Stock products to export (admin option)
- Added special price to config parents (if is set)
- Added option to disable to exclude non alphanumeric characters as Order ID
- Added new Channable Channel Label to Order import, grid and sales order view
- Added custom shipping logic to add compatibility for Paazl (thnx @Swahjak)
1.4.5, release date: March 13, 2019
- Availability for non-simple products is now done using getIsSalable
- Moved simple/parent fix for Magento Commerce to configuration option
- Added Magento Edition to feed output
- Option to mark completed orders without shipment as shipped orders
- Added Price Check on Custom fields in selftest
1.4.4, release date: February 15, 2019
- Item API fix for stock > 1000
- Fixed Magento Commerce simple/parent relation when content staging is used
1.4.3, release date: February 7, 2019
- Refactored webhook url #47
1.4.2, release date: January 25, 2019
- Fixed issue with collection paging in Magento v2.3.0
1.4.1, release date: January 22, 2019
- Added 'run now' button to Item Grid
- Fixed product load issues in Item Update
1.4.0, release date: November 14, 2018
1.3.4, release date: October 3, 2018
- Added delivery times to additional information output (admin)
- Tax fix for imported shipping prices
1.3.3, release date: September 12, 2018
- Added extra order information to payment details.
- Fixed invalidateByObserver enable check
- Fixed image_link for simple/parent combi export
- Removed retry on item update when item is not found / error status
1.3.2, release date: August 22, 2018
- Add support for split database setups
- Payment method active option
1.3.1, release date: July 4, 2018
- Added compatibility for Magento 2.2.5:
- Fixed import for orders with out-of-stock items
- Fixed emails beging sent on order import
- Fixed sorting order for Item Update Cron
1.3.0, release date: May 30, 2018
- Added option to include Upsell, Crosssell, Related SKU's to output
- Added option to set custom processing status of imported orders
- Improved connection to bypass rate limit on shipment transfer to Channable
- Small bug fixes
1.2.2, release date: May 16, 2018
- Added option to combine simple and parent images for simples
- Added option to export Attribute Set ID
- Rewritten LVB Order Import to skip stock movements (better compatibility)
1.2.1, release date: May 14, 2018
- Fixed duplicate price output in product feed
1.2.0, release date: May 11, 2018
- Added support for Fulfillment by BOL/Logistiek (LVB)
- Added option to enable order import for out of stock items
- Small bug & styling fixes